
How Much Is Your Vote Worth to You?
Just how much evidence of corruption is going to have to be revealed, in how many States across this nation, before We the People find our courage to stand upon...
How Much Is Your Vote Worth to You?
Just how much evidence of corruption is going to have to be revealed, in how many States across this nation, before We the People find our courage to stand upon...

America Is A Republic - And We Do Intend to Kee...
Bottom line, if it isn’t in the constitution, it isn’t lawful. Which then suggests that the job of our public functionaries isn’t to “represent the people in their district” it...
America Is A Republic - And We Do Intend to Kee...
Bottom line, if it isn’t in the constitution, it isn’t lawful. Which then suggests that the job of our public functionaries isn’t to “represent the people in their district” it...