Who were the original proponents pushing for statewide adoption and installation of the voting cheat machine computers throughout the state of Michigan during the 2016 - 2018 timeframe?
The "Timeline of MI Election Infrastructure" diagram is a presentation of consolidated public information and news' articles related to the timeline of adoption / installation of the voting cheat machine computers throughout Michigan and will be used as a reference for this article.
These voting cheat machine computers were an extremely critical, enabling factor in the November 2020 Election fraud scheme.
In early January 2017, within days of Trump's Presidential Inauguration, the MI State Administrative Board authorized $82.1M over the next 10 years for new election infrastructure equipment from three vendors [1]:
Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems and Software, & Hart InterCivic
Funding sources for the $82.1M [1]:
- $30 million in federal Help America Vote Act money
- $10 million approved by the Legislature with the support of Gov. Snyder
- $42.1 million from the cities and townships
A team comprised of staff from the Michigan Bureau of Elections, purchasing representatives from the Secretary of State’s Office & the MI Department of Technology, Management and Budget, and local election officials reportedly reviewed the relevant proposals & the equipment before recommending approval.
There are three main, relevant stakeholder parties responsible for the installation of the voting cheat machine computers throughout the state of Michigan:
- The Michigan legislators (Senators and House Representatives)
- The Michigan executive branch (Governor, SoS, etc.)
- The 83 County Clerks
During this time period, plans were established to replace all voting equipment statewide throughout Michigan by August 2018, which would mean that the voting cheat machine computers were installed throughout the state of Michigan just in time for the elections of Governor Whitmer, SoS Benson, and AG Nessel, as well as the US November 2020 election.
The timing is very convenient, a little too convenient.
Explanations are in order from all three stakeholder parties at this point, just hearing from one or the other is not going to be good enough.
To date, has anyone heard even one of these politicians take responsibility for the installation of the voting cheat machine computers throughout the state of Michigan?
There must be accountability for this. Every single one of the politicians involved in approving the plan and funding for the installation of the voting cheat machine computers throughout the state of Michigan should issue a public statement taking responsibility for their actions.
During this time, the Secretary of State was Ruth Johnson, who is currently a Michigan State Senator and is the Chair of the Elections Committee. While there were many individuals involved in this process, as the primary statewide elections' administrator at the time, the lion's share of the responsibility for the voting cheat machines currently operating in Michigan rests with her.
Senator Johnson, these voting cheat machines are your legacy. There is still time for you to fix what you did. However, being silent, burying your head in the sand, and hoping this will all just go away is not the correct course of action. We are not going away, and we will never forget what happened in the November 2020 Election when the voices of the citizens of Michigan were stolen, ever.
This is for all Michigan Legislators and all responsible parties: Find your courage, and drive forward hard with everything you have to get rid of these voting cheat machines in Michigan while there is still time.
Voting Machine Vendor Lobbyists
Furthermore, according to information on the Michigan government's website, one of the Dominion Voting Systems' lobbyists registered in Michigan during this time period was a signatory named Michael Frontera who was registered from 9/29/2011 to 12/31/2018.
He is reported to have spent about $20k on "All Other Lobbying Expenses" from 2017-2018. Apparently, his registration was terminated on 12/31/2018, right after the voting cheat machine computers had finished being installed throughout the state of Michigan.
Looks like mission accomplished.
Any and all tips / information on meetings, affiliations, dinners, relationships, and financial cash donations or transfers between any lobbyist (or their organization) and any of the Michigan state legislators, please send to:
We are interested in understanding the possibility of a clear motive for the Michigan state legislators to push through the voting systems' installation, and then to cover up and adamantly deny the existence of election fraud afterwards.
Senator Mike Shirkey
Additionally, according to the reference above, Senator Mike Shirkey was on both the Senate Elections Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee during this time period. He is currently the Michigan Senate Majority Leader.
This is the same senator who did virtually nothing about the rampant election fraud allegations that came out following the Michigan November 2020 Election, and who to this day, appears to be completely ignoring election fraud evidence in Michigan.
Shirkey is the founder and owner of Orbitform, an engineering company that builds assembly machines for manufacturers.
OCS Automation Technologies Co. LLC registered with the Chinese government in 2018 & they “exclusively sells Orbitform machines and equipment to Chinese manufacturers. The equipment is used for auto parts, medical supplies, and industrial automation, according to a translated version of the company’s website." [5]
So the same year that the voting cheat machine computers were installed throughout the state of Michigan in 2018, a Chinese LLC is registered in China that exclusively sells the products of the company owned by one of the senators who has been at the epicenter of election infrastructure and appropriations in Michigan?
Wait a second, aren't the voting cheat machine computers manufactured in the country next to China (Taiwan)?

Apparently, they are. Furthermore, there was an Internet Protocol (IP) address associated with Taiwan discovered inside the Antrim County voting machine computer. This is evidence that there were internet-based communications between this computer and Taiwan. [7]
Why is there an IP address associated with Taiwan inside an Antrim County, MI voting cheat machine computer?
What else is Mike Shirkey hiding?
[1] Michigan plans to replace all voting machines by 2018https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/24/voting-machines/96991230/
[2] State finalizes $82M contract for new voting machines
[3] Legislative Information
[4] $425M allocated for election security in government funding deal
[5] https://www.metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2021/06/03/sen-shirkey-secretly-profits-from-china-while-posing-as-a-hawk-and-fighting-transparency
[6] http://ocsautomation.com/
[7] Antrim County, MI Lawsuit Documents
Pat Colbeck was the Chair of the Senate Committee?
Its odd that you did not find that in your research? It’s like there was a concerted effort to scrub his name from the record? He literally ran the committee on elections for the Senate during much of your timeline. From 2015-2018 – its all readily available online. Mr Election Integrity himself was one of the main people who created our election system!? Has he ever owned up to this publicly? Will he ever own up to this!? It was common knowledge among anyone around elections that those machines were easily hacked. They knew this since the round of hearings they had in Congress 2003 or 2004. Anyone who did even a little bit of homework knew that those machines were suspect. This is a very old conversation that the politicians either refused to resolve or were complicit in. Colbeck needs to own up to his involvement in Michigan elections if we are to trust him. But he never does – in fact he ruins many of the movements in the state that had the power to change things!!
How can normal American citizens watch what is going on and not realize we have a whole bunch of treasonous state personnel. Why can’t we hang the bastards committing fraud on our nation. We have lost everything once we lose our elections. I am ready to go to war to protect my country from these communist/ socialist fakes.