Irreconcilable Differences - Report 3: Critical Analysis of the November 2020 Michigan Election

Irreconcilable Differences - Report 3: Critical Analysis of the November 2020 Michigan Election

 For those of you who might be wondering whether your legal vote counted or not, we have listed the 131 precincts with reporting issues that have been identified 

While your first instinct might be to call your local clerk, we would instead recommend that you reach out to your legislators 

Inform your legislators that the time for them to request an audit has long since passed.

Inform your legislators that it is time for them to nullify the November 2020 election and recall the Michigan electors.

Or, as we have said before, prove that the Irreconcilable Differences detailed in our Report 3 are not so.

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sure looks like a lots a people give a peep about good and true elections. say it isnt so,.

r amerine

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