Disclaimer: The team at Election Integrity Force has reviewed the DecertifyMI.com project for Decertification of the Michigan November 2020 Election and our assessment is that this is a valid, credible, legal endeavor to actually decertify that fake election through a lawful, Constitutional avenue. Therefore, we support this project.
Feel free to review this project and their ongoing efforts at:
The petition to decertify the Michigan November 2020 Election has been printed and is being signed NOW!!!!

Ways you can sign:
1. Send an email to "contact@decertifymi.com" or sign up at decertifymi.com and they will get you connected with one of the volunteers in your area
2. Come to one of the Signing events in your area
3. Stop by one of the collection businesses who have petitions on hand and ready for you to sign!
Click here to view and read the Completed Petition
Signatures were already collected at President Trump's recent Michigan rally!

Volunteer Opportunities
There are dozens of opportunities to volunteer! Our greatest and most urgent need for volunteers is: WE NEED PETITION COLLECTORS.
Are you good with people? Are you able to explain why we are Decertifying the 2020 Election? Then, WE NEED YOU! If we can get 2,000 volunteers we only need each volunteer to gather 250 signatures a piece. Many signature collectors can get more than 100 signatures a day! So it really isn't an impossible task...
We just launched a new software at AuditYourVote.com. This site allows ALL MICHIGANDERS to see if their votes counted! That's right, you heard me correctly. GO TO AuditYourVote.com, type in your name, year of birth and zip code and see if the Michigan Secretary of State counted your vote!
We have found many people, simply put, whose votes were not recorded in the 2020 Election:
Only a few short weeks ago, we realized that no one is really checking to see if the votes were recorded. When everyone is canvassing, typically they are looking for phantom voters, addresses with dozens of people registered to vote, the address is at a vacant lot. . . and other such problems. Suddenly we realized there was a very simple concept that no one was really looking at:
Did they count the votes for the Republican Candidate, Donald J Trump!?
As the team began to investigate more and more, we started to find not once or twice but often: Trump votes simply did not count!! Robert Gelt had a little background in software development and so came up with a concept to get Michiganders all looking into their own voting record by developing a simple yet powerful solution – and AuditYourVote.com was created!!
There are options to make donations to this project on their website, and of course we appreciate all donations made to Election Integrity Force in support of our ongoing efforts.