Dare We Ask: Why Were Approx. 4 Million Voter History Records Deleted from the Michigan QVF Shortly After the November 3, 2020 Election?

Dare We Ask: Why Were Approx. 4 Million Voter History Records Deleted from the Michigan QVF Shortly After the November 3, 2020 Election?

There are untold numbers of legitimate, lawful, legal American citizens whose voting histories are being manipulated in ways that can only politely be called troubling. The Election Integrity Force leaders, volunteers and data gurus demand that an explanation of these unnatural discrepancies be given to The People of the State of Michigan, but by whom? Dare we ask?

Read the indisputable details in Report 4 of EIF's Critical Analysis of the November 2020 Election in Michigan, then join the Election Integrity Force to begin holding our government accountable for what they have done and are doing to this great country of ours!


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Any elected official who belongs to a secret society pledges allegiance to a higher authority than the Constitution—and that is the rub. Their obligation is to their fellow members and not to We the People. How is it Rino Governors can
Swear to their own hurt that the election machines are not on the internet? The People can see the truth yet the Rinos have pledged their soul to a higher power than We the People and must continue the sharade or face a penalty from their fellow members of their society. What is wired is that they think they are doing a good thing for a good reason. BUT there is no secret that won’t be revealed and shouted from the house tops. Imagine the embarrassment when the treason is revealed.


Elected officials have in common behaviors similar to secret societies that swear blood oath aliegience to their


Hope you made copies, they are making it like when the world had Pharos, we will all be slaves to the rich, until we literally start putting all these evil criminals in a prison so they can all live their world order behind bars, let’s do it

Kathy Vezina

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